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7問 上帝是誰 WLC7
(2)上帝自足(創17:1),永恆(詩90:2),永不改變(瑪3:6;雅1:17),不可測 度(王上8:27),無所不在(詩139:1-13),無所不能(啟4:8),無所不知(來4:13;詩147:5),至智(羅16:27),至聖(賽6:3;啟15:4),至公(申32:4),至慈,長久忍耐,有豐盛的慈愛和誠實(出34:6)。
Q 7. What is God?
A God is a Spirit,1 in and of himself infinite in being,2 glory,3 blessedness,4 and perfection;5 all-sufficient,6 eternal,7 unchangeable,8 incomprehensible,9 every where present,10 almighty,11 knowing all things,12 most wise,13 most holy,14 most just,15 most merciful and gracious, long-suffering, and abundant in goodness and truth.16 1. John 4:24. 2. Ex. 3:14; Job 11:7–9; Ps. 145:3; Ps. 147:5. 3. Acts 7:2. 4. 1 Tim. 6:15. 5. Matt. 5:48. 6. Ex. 3:14; Gen. 17:1; Rom. 11:35–36. 7. Ps. 90:2; Deut. 33:27. 8. Mal. 3:6. 9. 1 Kings 8:27; Ps. 145:3; Rom. 11:34. 10. Ps. 139:1–13. 11. Rev. 4:8; Gen. 17:1; Matt. 19:26. 12. Heb. 4:13; Ps. 147:5. 13. Rom. 11:33–34; Rom. 16:27. 14. 1 Pet. 1:15–16; Rev. 15:4; Isa. 6:3. 15. Deut. 32:4; Rom. 3:5, 26. 16. Ex. 34:6; Ps. 117:2; Deut. 32:4.
Question 7: What is God?
Answer: God is a Spirit, in and of himself infinite in being, glory, blessedness, and perfection; all-sufficient, eternal, unchangeable, incomprehensible, everywhere present, almighty, knowing all things, most wise, most holy, most just, most merciful and gracious, long-suffering, and abundant in goodness and truth.
Q. 7. What is God?
A. God is a Spirit,[18] in and of himself infinite in being,[19] glory,[20] blessedness,[21] and perfection;[22] all-sufficient,[23] eternal,[24] unchangeable,[25] incomprehensible,[26] every where present,[27] almighty,[28] knowing all things,[29] most wise,[30] most holy,[31] most just,[32] most merciful and gracious, long-suffering, and abundant in goodness and truth.[33]
約4:24 神是個靈(或無「個」字)所以拜他的,必須用心靈和誠實拜他。
出3:14 神對摩西說:「我是自有永有的。」又說:「你要對以色列人這樣說:『那自有的打發我到你們這裏來。』」
伯11:7-9 「你考察,就能測透 神嗎?你豈能盡情測透全能者嗎?他的智慧高於天,你還能作什麼?深於陰間,你還能知道什麼? 其量,比地長,比海寬。
徒7:2 司提反說:「諸位父兄請聽!當日我們的祖宗亞伯拉罕在美索不達米亞還未住哈蘭的時候,榮耀的 神向他顯現,
提前6:15 到了日期,那可稱頌,獨有權能的萬王之王、萬主之主
太5:48 所以你們要完全,象你們的天父完全一樣。
創17:1 亞伯蘭年九十九歲的時候,耶和華向他顯現,對他說:「我是全能的 神,你當在我面前作完全人,
詩90:2 諸山未曾生出,地與世界你未曾造成,從亙古到永遠,你是 神。
瑪3:6 因我耶和華是不改變的,所以你們雅各之子沒有滅亡。
雅1:17 各樣美善的恩賜和各樣全備的賞賜都是從上頭來的,從眾光之父那裏降下來的;在他並沒有改變,也沒有轉動的影兒。
王上8:27 神果真住在地上嗎?看哪!天和天上的天,尚且不足你居住的,何況我所建的這殿呢?
詩139:1-13 (大衛的詩,交與伶長。)耶和華啊!你已經鑑察我,認識我。我坐下,我起來,你都曉得,你從遠處知道我的意念。我行路,我躺臥,你都細察,你也深知我一切所行的。耶和華啊!我舌頭上的話,你沒有一句不知道的。你在我前後環繞我,按手在我身上。這樣的知識奇妙,是我不能測的;至高,是我不能及的。我往哪裏去躲避你的靈?我往哪裏逃躲避你的面?我若升到天上,你在那裏;我若在陰間下榻,你也在那裏。我若展開清晨的翅膀,飛到海極居住;就是在那裏,你的手必引導我,你的右手也必扶持我。我若說:「黑暗必定遮蔽我,我周圍的亮光必成為黑夜,」 黑暗也不能遮蔽我使你不見,黑夜卻如白晝發亮;黑暗和光明,在你看都是一樣。我的肺腑是你所造的;我在母腹中,你已覆庇我。
啟4:8 四活物各有六個翅膀,遍體內外都滿了眼睛。他們晝夜不住地說:「聖哉!聖哉!聖哉!主 神,是昔在、今在、以後永在的全能者。」
來4:13 並且被造的,沒有一樣在他面前不顯然的;原來萬物,在那與我們有關係的主眼前,都是赤露敞開的。
詩147:5 我們的主為大,最有能力;他的智慧無法測度。
羅16:27 願榮耀,因耶穌基督歸與獨一全智的 神,直到永遠。阿們。
賽6:3 彼此呼喊說:「聖哉!聖哉!聖哉!萬軍之耶和華,他的榮光充滿全地。」
啟15:4 主啊,誰敢不敬畏你,不將榮耀歸與你的名呢?因為獨有你是聖的;萬民都要來在你面前敬拜,因你公義的作為已經顯出來了。
申32:4 他是磐石,他的作為完全,他所行的無不公平,是誠實無偽的 神;又公義,又正直。
出34:6 耶和華在他面前宣告說:「耶和華,耶和華,是有憐憫有恩典的 神,不輕易發怒,並有豐盛的慈愛和誠實。
Proof Scripture Verses
[18] John 4:24. God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.
[19] Exodus 3:14. And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you. Job 11:7-9. Canst thou by searching find out God? canst thou find out the Almighty unto perfection? It is as high as heaven; what canst thou do? deeper than hell; what canst thou know? The measure thereof is longer than the earth, and broader than the sea.
[20] Acts 7:2. And he said, Men, brethren, and fathers, hearken; The God of glory appeared unto our father Abraham, when he was in Mesopotamia, before he dwelt in Charran.
[21] 1 Timothy 6:15. Which in his times he shall show, who is the blessed and only Potentate, the King of kings, and Lord of lords.
[22] Matthew 5:48. Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.
[23] Genesis 17:1. And when Abram was ninety years old and nine, the LORD appeared to Abram, and said unto him, I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou perfect.
[24] Psalm 90:2. Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever thou hadst formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, thou art God.
[25] Malachi 3:6. For I am the LORD, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.
[26] 1 Kings 8:27. But will God indeed dwell on the earth? behold, the heaven and heaven of heavens cannot contain thee; how much less this house that I have build?
[27] Psalm 139:1-13. O LORD, thou hast searched me, and known me. Thou knowest my downsitting and mine uprising, thou understandest my thought afar off. Thou compassest my path and my lying down, and art acquainted with all my ways. For there is not a word in my tongue, but, lo, O LORD, thou knowest it altogether. Thou hast beset me behind and before, and laid thine hand upon me. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is high, I cannot attain unto it. Whither shall I go from thy spirit? or whither shall I flee from thy presence? If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there: if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there. If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea; Even there shall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold me. If I say, Surely the darkness shall cover me; even the night shall be light about me. Yea, the darkness hideth not from thee; but the night shineth as the day: the darkness and the light are both alike to thee. For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my mother's womb.
[28] Revelation 4:8. And the four beasts had each of them six wings about him; and they were full of eyes within: and they rest not day and night, saying, Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come.
[29] Hebrews 4:13. Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do. Psalm 147:5. Great is our Lord, and of great power: his understanding is infinite.
[30] Romans 16:27. To God only wise, be glory through Jesus Christ for ever. Amen.
[31] Isaiah 6:3. And one cried unto another, and said, Holy, holy, holy, is the LORD of hosts: the whole earth is full of his glory. Revelation 15:4. Who shall not fear thee, O Lord, and glorify thy name? for thou only art holy: for all nations shall come and worship before thee; for thy judgments are made manifest.
[32] Deuteronomy 32:4. He is the Rock, his work is perfect: for all his ways are judgment: a God of truth and without iniquity, just and right is he.
[33] Exodus 34:6. And the LORD passed by before him, and proclaimed, The LORD, The LORD God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abundant in goodness and truth.
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