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Third John <ref>http://www.ccel.org/ccel/henry/mhc6.iiiJo.ii.html</ref>

Completed by John Reynolds, of Shrewsbury.

AN EXPOSITION, W I T H P R A C T I C A L O B S E R V A T I O N S, OF THE THIRD EPISTLE OF J O H N. <ref>http://www.ccel.org/ccel/henry/mhc6.iiiJo.i.html</ref>

Christian communion is exerted and cherished by letter. Christians are to be commended in the practical proof of their professed subjection to the gospel of Christ. The animating and countenancing of generous and public-spirited persons is doing good to many—to this end the apostle sends this encouraging epistle to his friend Gaius, in which also he complains of the quite opposite spirit and practice of a certain minister, and confirms the good report concerning another more worthy to be imitated.


由 舒茲伯利的 約翰·雷諾茲 完成




約三 1

約翰三書 1


舊約(OT) 創(Gen) 出(Exod) 利(Lev) 民(Num) 申(Deut) 書(Josh) 士(Judg) 得(Ruth) 撒上(1Sam) 撒下(2Sam) 王上(1Kgs) 王下(2Kgs) 代上(1Chr) 代下(2Chr) 拉(Ezra) 尼(Neh) 斯(Esth) 伯(Job) 詩(Ps) 箴(Prov) 傳(Eccl) 歌(Song) 賽(Isa) 耶(Jer) 哀(Lam) 結(Ezek) 但(Dan) 何(Hos) 珥(Joel) 摩(Amos) 俄(Obad) 拿(Jonah) 彌(Mic) 鴻(Nah) 哈(Hab) 番(Zeph) 該(Hag) 亞(Zech) 瑪(Mal)

新約(NT) 太(Matt) 可(Mark) 路(Luke) 約(John) 徒(Acts) 羅(Rom) 林前(1Cor) 林後(2Cor) 加(Gal) 弗(Eph) 腓(Phil) 西(Col) 帖前(1Thess) 帖後(2Thess) 提前(1Tim) 提後(2Tim) 多(Titus) 門(Phlm) 來(Heb) 雅(Jas) 彼前(1Pet) 彼後(2Pet) 約一(1John) 約二(2John) 約三(3John) 猶(Jude) 啟(Rev)


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