微信公众号 CCBible/Bible101/DBible 微博@基督徒百科@Bible101@歌珊地圣经引擎@如鹰展翼而上 QQ群 4619600/226112909/226112998 同步推送#今日真道圣言#
33 問:稱義是什麼?
33 Q. What is justification?
A. Justification is an act of God’s free grace, wherein he pardons all our sins, and accepts us as righteous in his sight, only for the righteousness of Christ imputed to us, and received by faith alone.
70 問:「稱義」是什麼?
Q. 70. What is justification?
A. Justification is an act of God's free grace unto sinners, in which he pardoneth all their sins, accepteth and accounteth their persons righteous in his sight; not for anything wrought in them, or done by them, but only for the perfect obedience and full satisfaction of Christ, by God imputed to them, and received by faith alone.
71 問:為何「稱義」是神白白恩典的作為?
Q. 71. How is justification an act of God's free grace?
A. Although Christ, by his obedience and death, did make a proper, real, and full satisfaction to God's justice in the behalf of them that are justified; yet inasmuch as God accepteth the satisfaction from a surety, which he might have demanded of them, and did provide this surety, his own only Son, imputing his righteousness to them, and requiring nothing of them for their justification but faith, which also is his gift, their justification is to them of free grace.
72 問:「稱義的信心」是什麼?
Q. 72. What is justifying faith?
A. Justifying faith is a saving grace, wrought in the heart of a sinner by the Spirit and Word of God, whereby he, being convinced of his sin and misery, and of the disability in himself and all other creatures to recover him out of his lost condition, not only assenteth to the truth of the promise of the gospel, but receiveth and resteth upon Christ and his righteousness, therein held forth, for pardon of sin, and for the accepting and accounting of his person righteous in the sight of God for salvation.
73 問:信心如何使罪人在神面前得稱為義?
Q. 73. How doth faith justify a sinner in the sight of God?
A. Faith justifies a sinner in the sight of God, not because of those other graces which do always accompany it, or of good works that are the fruits of it, nor as if the grace of faith, or any act thereof, were imputed to him for his justification; but only as it is an instrument by which he receiveth and applieth Christ and his righteousness.
第十一章 論稱義
11.1 蒙上帝有效呼召而來的人,上帝也白白稱他們為義。但不是 將義注入他們裡面;而是赦免他們的罪,算他們為義,接納他們 為義人。這不是因為在他們裡面做了甚麼,或是他們自己做了甚 麼,而是唯獨因為基督的緣故,稱他們為義。這並不是因為他們 有信心、相信的行動、或任何其他順服行為,而將這些算為義歸 給他們﹔乃是將基督的順服、滿足上帝公義的要求所做成的義, 歸給他們,因此他們借着信心領受並倚靠祂和祂的義﹔而此信心 並不是出於他們自己,乃是上帝所賜的。
11.2 「信」就是如此領受並倚靠基督和祂的義,這信乃是稱義的唯 一媒介;然而此信在被稱義者身上絕不孤單,總是有救恩中其他 的恩典伴隨而來,而且這藉以稱義的信,不是死的信心,乃是使 人生發仁愛的信心。
11.3 基督借着順服和受死,完全清償了一切如此被稱為義之人的 罪債,並為他們付上適當、真實、完全的贖價,滿足了聖父的公 義要求。然而,因為聖父是為了他們賜下基督,並且因為聖父接 納基督的順服與贖罪是代替他們,這二者皆是白白的恩典,不是 因他們裡面有任何功德,所以他們的稱義是唯獨出於白白的恩 典;使上帝絕對的公義和豐富的恩慈,在罪人稱義上可以得着榮 耀。
11.4 上帝在萬古之先,就定旨稱一切選民為義,而基督在日期滿 足的時候,就為他們的罪死了,也為他們的稱義復活了﹔雖然如 此,他們要等到所定的時刻,聖靈確實將基督施行在他們身上, 才得以稱義。
11.5 上帝確實繼續赦免被稱義之人的罪,雖然他們永遠不能從稱 義的地位上墮落,但他們可能因犯罪而落在不討上帝喜悅的狀況 里,就像是兒子因過失使父親不悅,而失去上帝的面光照他們, 直到他們自卑、認罪、求饒恕,並重新相信悔改,才能恢復。
11.6 舊約時代的信徒稱義,與新約時代的信徒稱義,在每方面都 是同一的。