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問答40 神起初啟示給人,要人順從的法則是什麼?
Q. 40. What did God at first reveal to man for the rule of his obedience?
A. The rule which God at first revealed to man for his obedience was the moral law.
Q. 91. What is the duty which God requireth of man?
A. The duty which God requireth of man, is obedience to his revealed will.
92 問:神起初所啟示給人,要人順從的法則是什麼?
Q. 92. What did God first reveal unto man as the rule of his obedience?
A. The rule of obedience revealed to Adam in the estate of innocence, and to all mankind in him, besides a special command not to eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, was the moral law.
93 問:什麼是道德律?
Q. 93. What is the moral law?
A. The moral law is the declaration of the will of God to mankind, directing and binding every one to personal, perfect, and perpetual conformity and obedience thereunto, in the frame and disposition of the whole man, soul, and body, and in performance of all those duties of holiness and righteousness which he oweth to God and man: promising life upon the fulfilling, and threatening death upon the breach of it.
94 問:在人犯罪墮落之後,道德律還有任何功用嗎?
Q. 94. Is there any use of the moral law since the fall?
A. Although no man, since the fall, can attain to righteousness and life by the moral law; yet there is great use thereof, as well common to all men, as peculiar either to the unregenerate, or the regenerate.
Q. 95. Of what use is the moral law to all men?
A. The moral law is of use to all men, to inform them of the holy nature and will of God, and of their duty, binding them to walk accordingly; to convince them of their disability to keep it, and of the sinful pollution of their nature, hearts, and lives: to humble them in the sense of their sin and misery, and thereby help them to a clearer sight of the need they have of Christ, and of the perfection of his obedience.
96 問:道德律對未重生者的特別功用是什麼?
Q. 96. What particular use is there of the moral law to unregenerate men?
A. The moral law is of use to unregenerate men, to awaken their consciences to flee from the wrath to come, and to drive them to Christ; or, upon the continuance in the estate and way of sin, to leave them inexcusable, and under the curse thereof.
97 問:道德律對於已重生者,有何特別功用?
Q. 97. What special use is there of the moral law to the regenerate?
A. Although they that are regenerate, and believe in Christ, be delivered from the moral law as a covenant of works, so as thereby they are neither justified nor condemned; yet besides the general uses thereof common to them with all men, it is of special use, to show them how much they are bound to Christ for his fulfilling it, and enduring the curse thereof in their stead, and for their good; and thereby to provoke them to more thankfulness, and to express the same in their greater care to conform themselves thereunto as the rule of their obedience.
第十九章 論神的律法
一.上帝賜給亞當一個律法,作為行為之約,用來約束他與他的後裔親自、完全、嚴格、持續地順服;上帝應許他遵守得 生,警告他違背受死;並賜給他守此律法的能力(創1:26同2:17;羅2:14-15;10:5;5:12,19;加3:10,12;傳7:29;伯28:28)。
二.在他墮落之後,此律法仍是公義的完美標準,並由上帝在西乃山頒布於 十條誡命之中,刻在兩塊石版上(雅1:25;2:8,10-12;羅13:8-9;申5:32;10:4;出34:1);前面四誡包含我們對上帝當盡的本分,其餘六誡包含我們對人當盡的本分(太22:37-40;出 20:3-18)。
三.除這通稱為道德律的十誡以外,上帝按祂自己的美意,把禮儀律賜給以色列人這未成年的教會,其中有若干預表性的律例,一部分是為崇 拜之用,以預表基督和祂的美德、作為、苦難和惠益(來9,10:1;加 4:1-3;西2:17);一部分揭示關乎道德責任的各種 教訓(林前5:7;林後6:17;猶23)。 這些禮儀律在新約時代都被廢止了(西2:14,16,17;但9:27;弗2:15,16)。
四.上帝把以色列人視為一個國家,也賜給他們各種司法性的律例。這些司 法律已與那百姓的國家一同期滿終止了,除了為著一般衡平法所要求的以外,現在不再有任何的約束力(出21,22:1-29;創 49:10同彼前2:13-14;太5:17,38,39;林前9:8-10)。
五.道德律永遠對所有人都有約束力,不管是已經稱義的人,還是其他人, 都當順服(羅13:8-10;弗6:2;約壹2:3,4,7-8);這不僅僅是因其所含的內容,也是因其頒布者造物主上帝的權威(雅2:10,11)。這種責任,基督在福音中,不僅絲毫沒有廢掉,反而更加強了(太 5:17-19;雅2:8;羅3:31)。
六. 雖然真信徒不在作為行為之約的律法之下,藉此稱義或被定罪(羅6:14;加2:16;3:13;4:4-5;徒13:39;羅8:1),可是這律法對於他們以及別人都大有用處,因它作為人生的標準,既將上帝的旨意和人生的責任指示他 們,便指導並約束他們照著去行(羅7:12,22,25;詩119:4-6;林前7:19;加5:14,16,18-23);並且他們藉此既發現他們的本性、心思和生活的罪污(羅7:7;3:20),就因自省而對自己的罪更加認識、差愧、恨惡(雅1:23-25;羅 7:9,14,24),並更清楚地知道他們對基督及其完美 順服的需要(加3:24;羅7:24,25;8:3,4)。同樣,律法對重生者也有用處,因它禁止犯罪,抑制他們的敗壞(雅2:11;詩119:101,104,128);而它的警戒表明他們雖然免於律法所警戒的咒詛,但他們當知,自己因所犯的罪也應受什麼懲罰,為罪 今生要受什麼痛苦(拉9:13,14;詩89:30-34)。照樣,律法的應許向他們表明上帝是嘉許順服的,雖然律法不被看作行為之約,可用來使人配得祝福(加2:16;路17:10),但他們若遵守律法就可以期望得到什麼樣的祝福(利26:1-14;林後 6:16;弗6:2,3;詩37:11同太5:5;詩19:11);所以人因律法鼓勵行善、脅止作惡而揚善棄惡,並 不表明他是在律法之下,而不在恩典之下(羅6:12 ,14;彼前3:8-12;詩34:12-16;來12:28-29)。
七.以上所述律法的用處與福音的恩典不僅不相矛盾,反而是密切契合(加3:21);基督的靈降服人的意志,並使人的意志能夠自由自在、甘心樂意地去行上帝要人去行的事,也就是上帝 在律法中所顯明的旨意(結36:27;來8:10;耶31:33)。
第二十章 論基督徒的自由和良心的自由
一.基督為在福音之下的信徒所買贖的自由包括:免除罪債的自由,脫離上帝定罪之震怒的自由,和脫離道德律的咒詛的自 由(多2:14; 帖前1:10;加3:13);又把他們從現今這邪惡的世 界、撒但的捆綁、罪惡的轄制(加1:4;西1:13;徒26:18;羅6:14)、苦難的煎熬、死亡的毒鉤、墳墓得勝的權勢和永遠的定罪中,救拔出來(羅8:28;詩119:71; 林前15:54-57;羅8:1);也使他們得以自由地進 到上帝面前(羅5:1-2),順服祂,不是由於奴僕的恐懼,而是由於孩子一般的愛和樂意的心(羅8:14-15;約壹 4:18)。這一切也屬於在律法之下的信徒(加3:9,14);但在新約之下,基督徒的自由更加擴大,他們從猶太人教會所服從的禮儀律的軛下得了自由(加4:1-3,6,7;5:1; 徒15:10-11),並且能更加坦然無懼地進到施恩寶座 前(來4:14,16;10:19-22),與上帝自由之靈有交通,這交通比在律法之下的信徒通常所享有的更豐盛(約7:38-39;林後 3:13,17,18)。