微信公众号 CCBible/Bible101/DBible 微博@基督徒百科@Bible101@歌珊地圣经引擎@如鹰展翼而上 QQ群 4619600/226112909/226112998 同步推送#今日真道圣言#
161問: 聖禮如何在救恩生活中,成為有效的施恩媒介?
答: 聖禮在救恩生活中成為有效的施恩媒介,並非因為其本身有能力,也不是因為領受聖禮者的敬虔或意願而產生任何功德;乃是借着聖靈的運行與基督的賜福。聖禮是由基督所設立的。
Q. 161. How do the sacraments become effectual means of salvation?
A. The sacraments become effectual means of salvation, not by any power in themselves, or any virtue derived from the piety or intention of him by whom they are administered, but only by the working of the Holy Ghost, and the blessing of Christ, by whom they are instituted.
問162: 聖禮是什麼?
答: 聖禮是神聖的禮儀,是基督在祂的教會中所設立的。祂將祂中保職分的恩福,賜給恩典之約內的子民;而聖禮是用來向他們:
(1) 表記、印證、顯明這些恩福;
(2) 堅固、增加他們的信心;
(3) 使他們有義務來順從;
(4) 見證與激勵他們彼此相愛、彼此相交團契;
(5) 並且將他們與世人分別出來。
Q. 162. What is a sacrament?
A. A sacrament is an holy ordinance instituted by Christ in his church, to signify, seal, and exhibit unto those that are within the covenant of grace, the benefits of his mediation; to strengthen and increase their faith, and all other graces; to oblige them to obedience; to testify and cherish their love and communion one with another; and to distinguish them from those that are without.
問163: 聖禮有哪些部分?
答: 聖禮有兩部分: 一是外在可感觸到的記號,是按照基督自己所定規的來使用;另一是內在屬靈的恩惠,是外在記號所指向的。
Q. 163. What are the parts of a sacrament?
A. The parts of a sacrament are two; the one an outward and sensible sign, used according to Christ's own appointment; the other an inward and spiritual grace thereby signified.
問164: 在新約里,基督在祂的教會中所設立的聖禮,有哪些?
答: 在新約里,基督在祂的教會中所設立的聖禮,只有兩個: 洗禮與主的晚餐。
Q. 164. How many sacraments hath Christ instituted in his church under the New Testament?
A. Under the New Testament Christ hath instituted in his church only two sacraments, baptism and the Lord's supper.
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