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问189: 主祷文的序言教导我们什么?

答: 主祷文的序言(“我们在天上的父”)教导我们:

(1) 当我们祷告时,是来到上帝面前,确信祂是良善的天父,关心我们;

(2) 我们是以敬畏,以及一切孩子倚靠父亲的心,来祷告;思念天上的家,正确认识祂的主权大能、威严,并深知祂的恩典,屈尊俯就我们;

(3) 并且与他人一起祷告,也为他人祷告。

Q. 189. What doth the preface of the Lord's prayer teach us?

A. The preface of the Lord's prayer (contained in these words, Our Father which art in heaven) teacheth us, when we pray, to draw near to God with confidence of his fatherly goodness, and our interest therein; with reverence, and all other childlike dispositions, heavenly affections, and due apprehensions of his sovereign power, majesty, and gracious condescension: as also, to pray with and for others.

问190: 在第一祈求中,我们所祷告的是甚么?

答: 在第一祈求“愿人都尊祢的名为圣”中,我们承认: 按照我们自己与所有人的本相,是完全无能且无心以正确方式来荣耀神。所以我们祷告:

(1) 求神以祂的恩典,**使我们与他人能够且倾心来认识、承认、高高的尊崇祂,祂的圣名、属性、诫命、话语、工作、以及祂所乐意启示祂自己的一切媒介;

(2) 在我们的思想、言语、行为各方面,都荣耀祂;

(3) 求祂阻止并除去无神论、无知、偶像崇拜、亵渎、以及一切不荣耀祂的事情;

(4) 求祂以祂的主权护理,导引并运行万事,荣耀祂自己的圣名。

Q 190. What do we pray for in the first petition?

A In the first petition, (which is, Hallowed be thy name,1) acknow-ledging the utter inability and indisposition that is in our selves and all men to honor God aright,2 we pray, that God would by his grace enable and incline us and others to know, to acknow ledge, and highly to esteem him,3 his titles,4 attributes,5 ordinances, Word,6 works, and whatsoever he is pleased to make himself known by;7 and to glorify him in thought, word,8 and deed:9 that he would prevent and remove atheism,10 ignorance,11 idolatry,12 profaneness,13 and whatsoever is dishonorable to him;14 and, by his overruling providence, direct and dispose of all things to his own glory.15 1. Matt. 6:9; Luke 11:2. 2. 2 Cor. 3:5; Ps. 51:15. 3. Ps. 67:2–3; Ps. 99:1–3. 4. Ps. 83:18. 5. Ps. 86:10–13, 15. 6. 2 Thess. 3:1; Ps. 147:19–20; Ps. 138:1–3; 2 Cor. 2:14–15. 7. Ps. 145; Ps. 8. 8. Ps. 103:1; Ps. 19:14. 9. Phil. 1:9, 11; Ps. 100:3–4. 10. Ps. 67:1–4. 11. Eph. 1:17–18. 12. Ps. 97:7. 13. Ps. 74:18, 22–23. 14. 2 Kings19:15–16. 15. 2 Chron. 20:6; 10–12; Rom. 11:33–36; Rev. 4:11; Pss. 83; 140:4, 8.


小要理问答100 主祷文的前言,教导我们什么?


小要理问答101 在“主祷文”第一祈求,我们祷告什么?
