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聖經:申命記 7:19

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申命記 7:19 就是你親眼所看見的大試驗、神跡、奇事,和大能的手,並伸出來的膀臂,都是耶和華你 神領你出來所用的。耶和華你 神必照樣待你所懼怕的一切人民。 (CUV 和合本)

申命記 7:19 The great temptations which thine eyes saw, and the signs, and the wonders, and the mighty hand, and the stretched out arm, whereby the LORD thy God brought thee out, so shall the LORD thy God do unto all the people of whom thou art afraid. (KJV 欽定本)

申7:1 申7:2 申7:3 申7:4 申7:5 申7:6 申7:7 申7:8 申7:9 申7:10 申7:11 申7:12 申7:13 申7:14 申7:15

申7:16 申7:17 申7:18 申7:19 申7:20 申7:21 申7:22 申7:23 申7:24 申7:25 申7:26

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