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使用者討論:Jean Calvin

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來源http://blog.tianya.cn/blogger/post_read.asp?BlogID=4470083&PostID=45876481 猶大書 作者:H馬太亨利 2012-08-25 11:49 星期六 晴  120721【譯】何葉-【校】湑然

This epistle is addressed to all believers in the gospel. Its design appears to be to guard believers against the false teachers who had begun to creep into the Christian church, and to scatter dangerous tenets, by attempting to lower all Christianity into a merely nominal belief and outward profession of the gospel. Having thus denied the obligations of personal holiness, they taught their disciples to live in sinful courses, at the same time flattering them with the hope of eternal life. The vile character of these seducers is shown, and their sentence is denounced, and the epistle concludes with warnings, admonitions, and counsels to believers.

這封信是寫給福音里的所有信徒的,目的顯然是為告誡信徒提防假教師。他們正準備 偷偷溜進教會,伺機 散播謬論邪說,企圖將所有基督徒削弱成信仰有名無實、信仰表里不一。假教師一直這樣否認自身責任的神聖 ,教導信徒停留在罪的行徑里,並以永生的盼望加以引誘 。這些誘惑者卑鄙無恥的特性已然原形畢露,他們難逃大審判 。信的結尾是對信徒的警戒、忠告,同時飽含勸勉。

Chapter 1 Chapter Outline The apostle exhorts to stedfastness in the faith. (1–4)

The danger of being infected by false professors, and the dreadful punishment which shall be inflicted on them and their followers. (5–7)

An awful description of these seducers and their deplorable end. (8–16)

Believers cautioned against being surprised at such deceivers arising among them. (17–23)

The epistle ends with an encouraging doxology, or words of praise. (24, 25)

章節大綱  第1-4節 使徒猶大勸告要堅定不移持守信心   第5-7節 警告要提防受假教師蠱惑的危險,並指出假教師及其跟隨者會受大 懲罰  第8-16節 對這些引誘人的及其可悲結局的駭人描述。 第17-23節 警告信徒不要稀奇這些引誘者在他們中出現  第24-25節 以鼓舞人心的頌讚結束書信 

Verses 1–4 Christians are called out of the world, from the evil spirit and temper of it; called above the world, to higher and better things, to heaven, things unseen and eternal; called from sin to Christ, from vanity to seriousness, from uncleanness to holiness; and this according to the Divine purpose and grace. If sanctified and glorified, all the honour and glory must be ascribed to God, and to him alone. 1–4  基督徒蒙召告別世人 ,擺脫邪惡的靈及邪惡的性情;蒙召超越世界,抵達更高更好 ,進到天堂,得那未見的永生;蒙召棄罪歸主,改虛浮為踏實,變骯髒為聖潔:這一切的蒙召全賴 神的旨意和恩典。所以,如果得潔淨受讚美 ,一切的尊貴榮耀都要歸於且只歸於神。

As it is God who begins the work of grace in the souls of men, so it is he who carries it on, and perfects it. Let us not trust in ourselves, nor in our stock of grace already received, but in him, and in him alone. The mercy of God is the spring and fountain of all the good we have or hope for; mercy, not only to the miserable, but to the guilty. 對人的靈魂開始恩典作為的是神 ,將此恩典繼續並完全的也是神。我們不要相信自己,也不要信積攢已得的恩典,而要信靠神,單單信靠祂。神的憐憫是我們所擁有和盼望的一切美好的源頭。憐憫 ,不只施給苦難者,也 賜給罪人。

Next to mercy is peace, which we have from the sense of having obtained mercy. From peace springs love; Christ's love to us, our love to him, and our brotherly love to one another. The apostle prays, not that Christians may be content with a little; but that their souls and societies may be full of these things. 隨之而來的是平安——從我們領受的憐憫中感受到的平安,而平安又噴湧出愛。 基督對我們的愛,我們對基督的愛,以及弟兄彼此間的愛。猶大祈禱的不是基督徒滿足於小靈小信 ,而是祈禱眾靈魂和團契滿得 平安、憐憫和愛。

None are shut out from gospel offers and invitations, but those who obstinately and wickedly shut themselves out. But the application is to all believers, and only to such. It is to the weak as well as to the strong. Those who have received the doctrine of this common salvation, must contend for it, earnestly, not furiously. Lying for the truth is bad; scolding for it is not better. Those who have received the truth must contend for it, as the apostles did; by suffering with patience and courage for it, not by making others suffer if they will not embrace every notion we call faith, or important.福音的大門向所有人敞開,但頑梗和惡毒 卻常令人 自閉門外。至終,能得恩膏的有且只有信徒——每一位信徒。 這恩膏 賜給剛強的,也賜給軟弱的。凡已領受這普遍救贖真理的,就當切而不怒 地為之竭力爭辯。因真理而撒謊可恥,為真理而謾罵可悲。領受了真理就當像使徒那樣據理力爭,憑着為真理所持的耐心和勇氣忍耐,當所宣揚的信仰或要理的點滴概念不為人信奉時,我們也不必使人難堪。 We ought to contend earnestly for the faith, in opposition to those who would corrupt or deprave it; who creep in unawares; who glide in like serpents. And those are the worst of the ungodly, who take encouragement to sin boldly, because the grace of God has abounded, and still abounds so wonderfully, and who are hardened by the extent and fulness of gospel grace, the design of which is to deliver men from sin, and bring them unto God.

那些一味敗壞真理的人,躡手躡腳偷着進來的人,像蛇一樣匍匐爬行的人 ,我們必須與其勢不兩立,擲地有聲地為真理辯護 。神 施恩如雨,一直令人嘆為觀止地施恩如雨,福音恩惠豐豐盛盛無限量,目的是為救人棄罪就神 ,而人卻對此頑固不化,名目張膽地犯罪,這種輕慢褻瀆實在是令人髮指 !

Verses 5–7 Outward privileges, profession, and apparent conversion, could not secure those from the vengeance of God, who turned aside in unbelief and disobedience. The destruction of the unbelieving Israelites in the wilderness, shows that none ought to presume on their privileges. They had miracles as their daily bread; yet even they perished in unbelief. A great number of the angels were not pleased with the stations God allotted to them; pride was the main and direct cause or occasion of their fall. The fallen angels are kept to the judgment of the great day; and shall fallen men escape it? Surely not. Consider this in due time. The destruction of Sodom is a loud warning to all, to take heed of, and flee from fleshly lusts that war against the soul, 1Pe 2:11. God is the same holy, just, pure Being now, as then. Stand in awe, therefore, and sin not, Ps 4:4. Let us not rest in anything that does not make the soul subject to the obedience of Christ; for nothing but the renewal of our souls to the Divine image by the Holy Spirit, can keep us from being destroyed among the enemies of God. Consider this instance of the angels, and see that no dignity or worth of the creature is of avail. How then should man tremble, who drinketh iniquity like water! Job 15:16. 5–7 物質的權益 、虛偽的宣言以及假冒的信奉,並不能保證那變得不信和不順服之人免於神的復仇。不信的以色列人在曠野被滅絕就是鮮活的例子,沒有任何人可以仗着特權肆意妄為。以色列人曾得享多如牛毛 的神跡,但即便是他們也毀在了不信的罪里。還有那諸多的天使,竟然不滿意神分配的職位,驕傲就是直接導致牠們墮落的主要原因。天使墮落了尚且被拘留等到大日的審判;墮落的人又豈能逃脫大日審判呢?當然逃不了的!世人啊,趕緊想想吧!所多瑪的毀滅不正是一個大警告嗎?彼得前書2:11說得好啊:「我勸你們要禁戒肉體的私慾,這私慾是與靈魂爭戰的。」神一如從前,聖潔、公義、完全。詩篇4:4如此說:「你們應當畏懼,不可犯罪。」所以,凡引誘靈魂背逆基督的一切,我們都不要在其上停留,唯有靈魂被聖靈更新為神的樣式,才能保守我們不至毀在神的仇敵手中。我們要多思想天使的教訓,要明白其實受造物的價值尊嚴根本一無是處 。恰如約伯記15:16一語道破:「何況那些污穢可憎,喝罪孽入 水的罪人 世人呢!」  

Verses 8–16 False teachers are dreamers; they greatly defile and grievously wound the soul. These teachers are of a disturbed mind and a seditious spirit; forgetting that the powers that be, are ordained of God, Ro 13:1. As to the contest about the body of Moses, it appears that Satan wished to make the place of his burial known to the Israelites, in order to tempt them to worship him, but he was prevented, and vented his rage in desperate blasphemy. This should remind all who dispute never to bring railing charges. Also learn hence, that we ought to defend those whom God owns. It is hard, if not impossible, to find any enemies to the Christian religion, who did not, and do not, live in open or secret contradiction to the principles of natural religion. Such are here compared to brute beasts, though they often boast of themselves as the wisest of mankind. They corrupt themselves in the things most open and plain. The fault lies, not in their understandings, but in their depraved wills, and their disordered appetites and affections. It is a great reproach, though unjust to religion, when those who profess it are opposed to it in heart and life. 8–16   假教師是做夢的人。他們大大玷污了靈魂,也大大重創了靈魂。 他們有着攪擾的心思和煽風點火的靈,忘了凡掌權的都是神所命的(參看羅馬書13:1)。回顧關於摩西遺體的鬥爭,當時,撒旦為了誘惑以色列人敬拜牠,於是企圖將摩西的葬身之地公之於眾,但牠並沒得逞,只落得用絕望的毀謗泄憤的下場。這段歷史提醒所有爭論的人絕不要怨聲控告,同時藉此教導我們要保護屬神的人。過去現在都沒有公然藐視神的律法,也沒有背後詆毀主的命令,而本質卻是基督教敵人的,這樣的人我們若要揪出來,即便並非不能,也絕非易事。這些人經常吹噓自己是最有智慧的人,其實他們恰如這裡所比喻的,是沒有靈性的畜類。他們在最敞明的教導上敗壞自己,不怪他們的理解力不夠,而在於他們墮落的意願、錯亂的慾念和喜好。當人言不由衷、口是心非,信仰不公不義,這真是奇恥大辱。 The Lord will remedy this in his time and way; not in men's blind way of plucking up the wheat with the tares. It is sad when men begin in the Spirit, and end in the flesh. Twice dead; they had been once dead in their natural, fallen state; but now they are dead again by the evident proofs of their hypocrisy. Dead trees, why cumber they the ground! Away with them to the fire. Raging waves are a terror to sailing passengers; but when they get into port, the noise and terror are ended. False teachers are to expect the worst punishments in this world and in that to come. They glare like meteors, or falling stars, and then sink into the blackness of darkness for ever. We have no mention of the prophecy of Enoch in any other part or place of Scripture; yet one plain text of Scripture, proves any point we are to believe. We find from this, that Christ's coming to judge was prophesied of, as early as the times before the flood. The Lord cometh: what a glorious time will that be! Notice how often the word 「ungodly」 is repeated. Many now do not at all refer to the terms godly, or ungodly, unless it be to mock at even the words; but it is not so in the language taught us by the Holy Ghost. Hard speeches of one another, especially if ill-grounded, will certainly come into account at the day of judgment. These evil men and seducers are angry at every thing that happens, and never pleased with their own state and condition. Their will and their fancy, are their only rule and law. Those who please their sinful appetites, are most prone to yield to ungovernable passions. The men of God, from the beginning of the world, have declared the doom denounced on them. Such let us avoid. We are to follow men only as they follow Christ. (Jud 1:17-23) 主自會在祂的時候以祂的方式對此進行排查;斷不像人那樣盲目地不分麥子稗子全都收割。人若在靈里開始,卻在肉身結束,實在很悲哀。這表示他們經歷了兩次死亡:曾經已在本性中墮落的狀態下死掉了,而今又因被證實為假冒偽善再次身亡。既是枯木,何必累贅地土?剪去燒了吧!洶湧的波濤雖令出海之人心驚膽戰,然而一旦進入港灣,咆哮與驚惶就都如過眼雲煙了。在這世界並那時的到來,假教師就準備接受最嚴厲的懲罰吧!他們發光好比流星 ,稍縱即逝,至終必將永遠沉入無底 的黑暗。經文中沒有任何一處提到有關以諾的預言,然而卻有一節一目了然地證實了我們要信的全部要理。從中我們發現,早在洪水之前就已經預言了基督會前來審判。主的到來將是多麼榮耀的日子!請注意,「不虔誠」這詞數次重複。其實,很多時候,除非嘲笑真道,否則根本不是指言語虔誠或不虔誠,而是指不遵循聖靈的教導。彼此論斷,尤其是惡意中傷,毫無疑問要受到那日的審判。這些惡人和引誘人的對所發生的一切憤憤不平,從不滿意他們現時的境況與身份。他們的欲望、他們的嗜好,竟成了他們全部的法度規章。人,一旦滿足於罪惡的念想,就最可能屈服在不受約束的激情 里,放浪形骸。主的僕人,從世界之初,已經將註定的審判昭告天下,所以我們務要引以為戒。我們要單單像僕人跟隨基督一樣地信靠順服。

Verses 17–23 Sensual men separate from Christ, and his church, and join themselves to the devil, the world, and the flesh, by ungodly and sinful practices. That is infinitely worse than to separate from any branch of the visible church on account of opinions, or modes and circumstances of outward government or worship. Sensual men have not the spirit of holiness, which whoever has not, does not belong to Christ. The grace of faith is most holy, as it works by love, purifies the heart, and overcomes the world, by which it is distinguished from a false and dead faith. Our prayers are most likely to prevail, when we pray in the Holy Ghost, under his guidance and influence, according to the rule of his word, with faith, fervency, and earnestness; this is praying in the Holy Ghost. And a believing expectation of eternal life will arm us against the snares of sin: lively faith in this blessed hope will help us to mortify our lusts. We must watch over one another; faithfully, yet prudently reprove each other, and set a good example to all about us. This must be done with compassion, making a difference between the weak and the wilful. Some we must treat with tenderness. Others save with fear; urging the terrors of the Lord. All endeavours must be joined with decided abhorrence of crimes, and care be taken to avoid whatever led to, or was connected with fellowship with them, in works of darkness, keeping far from what is, or appears to be evil.

17–23  屬乎血氣的人背離基督及其教會,罪惡地勾結魔鬼,污穢地沉溺於世界,骯髒地縱情 肉體。這比起因眾說紛紜、莫衷一是,因外在崇拜或表面體制的形式方法不同而脫離任何教會支派而言,更是罪大惡極。屬血氣的人沒有聖靈,任何沒有聖靈同在的人都不是屬基督的。恩典的信 以慈愛行事,純淨 內心、征服世人 ,是最聖潔的,據此就與假信和死信 區別開來。當我們在聖靈里禱告,在聖靈的引導和感化下,按聖道的準則,滿懷信心、熱情,懇切地禱告,我們所求的才最有可能奏效,因為是在聖靈里禱告。對永生滿懷期待的相信,能武裝我們抵抗罪的誘惑,因為在喜樂的盼望中,鮮活 的信心能幫助我們克制情思慾念 。我們當彼此監督、誠實審慎地相互批評、相互效法榜樣 。當然,務要心懷憐憫,區別對待軟弱犯罪與故意犯罪。對有些人,我們當輕言細語;對另一些人,我們要力告主的威嚴,存懼怕的心搭救。在黑暗的籠罩下,我們一切的努力必須伴之以決絕的恨罪 ,小心避免導致罪的產生,警防與罪有牽涉,遠離邪惡,杜絕邪惡。

Verses 24, 25 God is able, and as willing as able, to keep us from falling, and to present us faultless before the presence of his glory. Not as those who never have been faulty, but as those who, but for God's mercy, and a Saviour's sufferings and merits, might most justly have been condemned long ago. All sincere believers were given him of the Father; and of all so given him he has lost none, nor will lose any one. Now, our faults fill us with fears, doubts, and sorrows; but the Redeemer has undertaken for his people, that they shall be presented faultless. Where there is no sin, there will be no sorrow; where there is the perfection of holiness, there will be the perfection of joy. Let us more often look up to Him who is able to keep us from falling, to improve as well as maintain the work he has wrought in us, till we shall be presented blameless before the presence of his glory. Then shall our hearts know a joy beyond what earth can afford; then shall God also rejoice over us, and the joy of our compassionate Saviour be completed. To Him who has so wisely formed the scheme, and will faithfully and perfectly accomplish it, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and for ever. Amen.

24-25 神能夠且願意保守我們不跌倒,將我們無瑕無疵地呈現在祂榮耀的面前。無瑕無疵,不是說像從沒犯過罪的那樣,而是指因着神的憐憫和主受死的工價,早已得到最公正合法的判處。虔誠的信徒全都是父賜給主的,父所賜予的,主一個也沒落下,一個也不會落下。也許,我們因犯錯而滿心恐懼、懷疑、憂傷;但救主已為祂的子民擔當了一切,所以我們將呈現為無瑕無疵的。沒 有罪,就 沒有悲傷;有 完美的聖潔,就 有完美的喜樂。我們要更多仰望能保守我們不失腳的主,加增並持守祂在我們裡面的成就,直到我們在祂的榮耀面前無可指摘。那時,願我們的心得享世人買不到的喜樂;那時,願神喜悅我們,願慈愛救主的喜樂完全。願榮耀、威嚴、能力、權柄都歸與英明制定此計劃並誠實完滿 將其成就的神,從今時直到永永遠遠。阿門!