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25.2 有形的教会在福音时期也是大公的、普世的,不限于一个国 家(不像在律法时期仅限于一个国家),由世界各地一切承认真实信 仰者,以及他们的子女所组成。这教会是主耶稣基督的国度、上 帝的家,在教会以外,通常没有得救的可能。

2. The visible church, which is also catholic or universal under the gospel (not confined to one nation, as before under the law), consists of all those throughout the world that profess the true religion; and of their children: and is the kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ, the house and family of God, out of which there is no ordinary possibility of salvation.


2 林前一2写信给在哥林多 神的教会,就是在基督耶稣里成圣,蒙召作圣徒的,以及所有在各处求告我主耶稣基督之名的人。基督是他们的主,也是我们的主。十二12就如身子是一个,却有许多肢体;而且肢体虽多,仍是一个身子。基督也是这样。 13就如身子是一个,却有许多肢体;而且肢体虽多,仍是一个身子。基督也是这样。


罗十五9并叫外邦人因他的怜悯荣耀 神。如经上所记:“因此我要在外邦中称赞你,歌颂你的名。” 10又说:“你们外邦人当与主的百姓一同欢乐。” 11又说:“外邦啊,你们当赞美主!万民哪,你们都当颂赞他!” 12又有以赛亚说:“将来有耶西的根,就是那兴起来要治理外邦的,外邦人要仰望他。”

3 林前七14因为不信的丈夫就因著妻子成了圣洁,并且不信的妻子就因著丈夫成了圣洁(注:“丈夫”原文作“弟兄”)。不然,你们的儿女就不洁净,但如今他们是圣洁的了。

徒二39因为这应许是给你们和你们的儿女,并一切在远方的人,就是主我们 神所召来的。”结十六20并且你将给我所生的儿女焚献给他。 21你行淫乱岂是小事,竟将我的儿女杀了,使他们经火归与他吗?罗十一16所献的新面若是圣洁,全团也就圣洁了;树根若是圣洁,树枝也就圣洁了。

创三15因为 神知道,你们吃的日子眼睛就明亮了,你们便如 神能知道善恶。” 十七7我要与你并你世世代代的后裔坚立我的约,作永远的约,是要作你和你后裔的 神。



罗 4:1 如此说来,我们的祖宗亚伯拉罕凭着肉体得了什么呢? 罗 4:2 倘若亚伯拉罕是因行为称义,就有可夸的,只是在 神面前并无可夸。 罗 4:3 经上说什么呢?说:“亚伯拉罕信 神,这就算为他的义。” 罗 4:4 作工的得工价,不算恩典,乃是该得的; 罗 4:5 惟有不作工的,只信称罪人为义的 神,他的信就算为义。 罗 4:6 正如大卫称那在行为以外蒙 神算为义的人是有福的。 罗 4:7 他说:“得赦免其过,遮盖其罪的,这人是有福的。 罗 4:8 主不算为有罪的,这人是有福的。” 罗 4:9 如此看来,这福是单加给那受割礼的人吗?不也是加给那未受割礼的人吗?因我们所说,亚伯拉罕的信,就算为他的义。 罗 4:10 是怎么算的呢?是在他受割礼的时候呢?是在他未受割礼的时候呢?不是在受割礼的时候,乃是在未受割礼的时候。 罗 4:11 并且他受了割礼的记号,作他未受割礼的时候因信称义的印证,叫他作一切未受割礼而信之人的父,使他们也算为义; 罗 4:12 又作受割礼之人的父,就是那些不但受割礼,并且按我们的祖宗亚伯拉罕未受割礼而信之踪迹去行的人。 罗 4:13 因为 神应许亚伯拉罕和他后裔,必得承受世界,不是因律法,乃是因信而得的义。 罗 4:14 若是属乎律法的人才得为后嗣,信就归于虚空,应许也就废弃了。 罗 4:15 因为律法是惹动忿怒的(或作“叫人受刑的”),哪里没有律法,哪里就没有过犯。 罗 4:16 所以人得为后嗣是本乎信,因此就属乎恩,叫应许定然归给一切后裔;不但归给那属乎律法的,也归给那效法亚伯拉罕之信的。 罗 4:17 亚伯拉罕所信的,是那叫死人复活,使无变为有的 神,他在主面前作我们世人的父。如经上所记:“我已经立你作多国的父。” 罗 4:18 他在无可指望的时候,因信仍有指望,就得以作多国的父,正如先前所说:“你的后裔将要如此。” 罗 4:19 他将近百岁的时候,虽然想到自己的身体如同已死,撒拉的生育已经断绝,他的信心还是不软弱; 罗 4:20 并且仰望 神的应许,总没有因不信心里起疑惑,反倒因信心里得坚固,将荣耀归给 神。 罗 4:21 且满心相信 神所应许的必能作成; 罗 4:22 所以这就算为他的义。 罗 4:23 “算为他义”的这句话,不是单为他写的, 罗 4:24 也是为我们将来得算为义之人写的,就是我们这信 神使我们的主耶稣从死里复活的人。 罗 4:25 耶稣被交给人,是为我们的过犯;复活,是为叫我们称义(或作“耶稣是为我们的过犯交付了,是为我们称义复活了。”)。 (和合本 CUV)

Rom 4:1 What shall we say then that Abraham our father, as pertaining to the flesh, hath found? Rom 4:2 For if Abraham were justified by works, he hath whereof to glory; but not before God. Rom 4:3 For what saith the scripture? Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness. Rom 4:4 Now to him that worketh is the reward not reckoned of grace, but of debt. Rom 4:5 But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness. Rom 4:6 Even as David also describeth the blessedness of the man, unto whom God imputeth righteousness without works, Rom 4:7 Saying, Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered. Rom 4:8 Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin. Rom 4:9 Cometh this blessedness then upon the circumcision only, or upon the uncircumcision also? for we say that faith was reckoned to Abraham for righteousness. Rom 4:10 How was it then reckoned? when he was in circumcision, or in uncircumcision? Not in circumcision, but in uncircumcision. Rom 4:11 And he received the sign of circumcision, a seal of the righteousness of the faith which he had yet being uncircumcised, that he might be the father of all them that believe, though they be not circumcised; that righteousness might be imputed unto them also, Rom 4:12 And the father of circumcision to them who are not of the circumcision only, but who also walk in the steps of that faith of our father Abraham, which he had being yet uncircumcised. Rom 4:13 For the promise, that he should be the heir of the world, was not to Abraham, or to his seed, through the law, but through the righteousness of faith. Rom 4:14 For if they which are of the law be heirs, faith is made void, and the promise made of none effect, Rom 4:15 Because the law worketh wrath, for where no law is, there is no transgression. Rom 4:16 Therefore it is of faith, that it might be by grace; to the end the promise might be sure to all the seed; not to that only which is of the law, but to that also which is of the faith of Abraham; who is the father of us all, Rom 4:17 (As it is written, I have made thee a father of many nations,) before him whom he believed, even God, who quickeneth the dead, and calleth those things which be not as though they were. Rom 4:18 Who against hope believed in hope, that he might become the father of many nations, according to that which was spoken, So shall thy seed be. Rom 4:19 And being not weak in faith, he considered not his own body now dead, when he was about an hundred years old, neither yet the deadness of Sarah's womb, Rom 4:20 He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God; Rom 4:21 And being fully persuaded that, what he had promised, he was able also to perform. Rom 4:22 And therefore it was imputed to him for righteousness. Rom 4:23 Now it was not written for his sake alone, that it was imputed to him; Rom 4:24 But for us also, to whom it shall be imputed, if we believe on him that raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead; Rom 4:25 Who was delivered for our offences, and was raised again for our justification. (King James Version KJV)

4 太十三47天国又好像网撒在海里,聚拢各样水族。赛九7他的政权与平安必加增无穷。他必在大卫的宝座上治理他的国,以公平公义使国坚定稳固,从今直到永远。万军之耶和华的热心必成就这事。

5 弗二19这样,你们不再作外人和客旅,是与圣徒同国,是 神家里的人了。;三15(天上地上的各(注:或作“全”)家,都是从他得名。);


6 徒二47 赞美 神,得众民的喜爱。主将得救的人天天加给他们。




Q. 62. What is the visible church?

A. The visible church is a society made up of all such as in all ages and places of the world do profess the true religion, and of their children.

林前 1:2 写信给在哥林多 神的教会,就是在基督耶稣里成圣,蒙召作圣徒的,以及所有在各处求告我主耶稣基督之名的人。基督是他们的主,也是我们的主。

林前 12:13 我们不拘是犹太人,是希腊人,是为奴的,是自主的,都从一位圣灵受洗,成了一个身体,饮于一位圣灵。

罗15:9-12 并叫外邦人,因他的怜悯,荣耀 神;如经上所记:“因此我要在外邦中称赞你,歌颂你的名。” 又说:“你们外邦人当与主的百姓一同欢乐。” 又说:“外邦啊,你们当赞美主;万民哪,你们都当颂赞他。”又有以赛亚说:“将来有耶西的根,就是那兴起来要治理外邦的,外邦人要仰望他。”

启 7:9 此后,我观看,见有许多的人,没有人能数过来,是从各国、各族、各民、各方来的,站在宝座和羔羊面前,身穿白衣,手拿棕树枝

诗 2:8 你求我,我就将列国赐你为基业,将地极赐你为田产。

诗22:27-31 地的四极,都要想念耶和华,并且归顺他;列国的万族,都要在你面前敬拜。 因为国权是耶和华的,他是管理万国的。 地上一切丰肥的人,必吃喝而敬拜;凡下到尘土中不能存活自己性命的人,都要在他面前下拜。 他必有后裔事奉他;主所行的事,必传与后代。 他们必来把他的公义传给将要生的民,言明这事是他所行的。

诗 45:17 我必叫你的名被万代记念,所以万民要永永远远称谢你。

太28:19-20 所以,你们要去使万民作我的门徒,奉父子圣灵的名,给他们施洗(或作“给他们施洗,归于父子圣灵的名。”)。凡我所吩咐你们的,都教训他们遵守,我就常与你们同在,直到世界的末了。”

赛 59:21 耶和华说:“至于我与他们所立的约,乃是这样:我加给你的灵,传给你的话,必不离你的口,也不离你后裔与你后裔之后裔的口,从今直到永远。这是耶和华说的。”

林前 7:14 因为不信的丈夫就因着妻子成了圣洁;并且不信的妻子就因着丈夫成了圣洁(“丈夫”原文作“弟兄”);不然,你们的儿女就不洁净,但如今他们是圣洁的了。

徒 2:39 因为这应许是给你们和你们的儿女,并一切在远方的人,就是主我们 神所召来的。”

罗 11:16 所献的新面若是圣洁,全团也就圣洁了;树根若是圣洁,树枝也就圣洁了。

创 17:7 “我要与你并你世世代代的后裔坚立我的约,作永远的约,是要作你和你后裔的 神。


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