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圣经:约翰二书 1:6

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约翰二书 1:6 我们若照他的命令行,这就是爱。你们从起初所听见当行的,就是这命令。

(CUV 和合本)

约翰二书 1:6 And this is love, that we walk after his commandments. This is the commandment, That, as ye have heard from the beginning, ye should walk in it. (KJV 钦定本)

约二1:1 约二1:2 约二1:3 约二1:4 约二1:5 约二1:6 约二1:7 约二1:8 约二1:9 约二1:10 约二1:11 约二1:12 约二1:13
