微信公众号 CCBible/Bible101/DBible 微博@基督徒百科@Bible101@歌珊地圣经引擎@如鹰展翼而上 QQ群 4619600/226112909/226112998 同步推送#今日真道圣言#
圣经:彼得前书 3:18
彼得前书 3:18 因基督也曾一次为罪受苦(“受苦”有古卷作“受死”),就是义的代替不义的,为要引我们到 神面前。按着肉体说,他被治死;按着灵性说,他复活了。 (CUV 和合本)
彼得前书 3:18 For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit, (KJV 钦定本)
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