2008-06-20T22:25:13Z Gmaxwell 40x40 (25368 Bytes) less blobby version
2006-04-29T01:39:18Z Seahen 0x0 (62761 Bytes) {{Information| |Description=From [[w:GNOME|]] version of [[Nuvola]]. Not included in the KDE PNG version. |Source=http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/sources/gnome-themes-extras/0.9/gnome-themes-extras-0.9.0.tar.gz |Date=[[Decembe
2005-09-12T16:46:28Z Alphax 128x128 (17650 Bytes) Image from the Nuvola icon theme for KDE 3.x by David Vignoni Source: http://www.icon-king.com {{LGPL}} [[Category:Nuvola SVG icons]]\
2006-12-22T01:27:41Z C-M 5365x2796 (698419 Bytes) * Description: World_map_blank * Source: own map, based on the [http://gmt.soest.hawaii.edu/ Generic Mapping Tools] * Author: [[User:San Jose|San Jose]], 27 November 2006 * Converted to svg vector-graphic by [[User:Muellercrt